How Can You Stick with Your Health Goals for the New Year?

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Many people set health and fitness goals as their New Year’s resolutions. They vow to become more active, lose ten (or more) pounds, drop a pants size, or take up a sport like running, swimming, or cycling. Sadly, by February, most people’s resolutions are filed away on the back shelf of their minds, not to be seen again until the next year.

What does it take for a person to actually accomplish their fitness goals? Here are a few proven suggestions to help someone achieve their health and fitness plan for 2024.

1. Recruit a friend. If you can find someone who has similar fitness goals, you can work on them together. A friend that will walk with you, bike with you, or swim with you makes exercise much more enjoyable. An accountability partner is also very important when it comes to the area of diet. If both people keep a written record of what they eat during the week and then share them with each other for evaluation, it is more likely that they are going to adhere to a healthy eating plan. If both partners are committed to reaching their health and fitness goals, they will likely achieve them much easier together than alone.

2. Join a gym. Many people never reach their fitness and health goals because they try to exercise at home. There are those rare people who are able to get a good workout in their own living room or basement. Most folks, however, get distracted by the telephone, computer, dirty dishes, or their kids. A good health club is a much better environment to see your fitness goals reached. There are many different pieces of workout equipment to assist you, as well as different classes geared towards different types of fitness. Most gyms offer Zumba, Yoga, Spin, Pilates, and many other types of classes. Many gyms also serve as a community for their members. The atmosphere is positive and geared towards a healthy lifestyle. Here are some things to look for when choosing a gym.

3. Hire a personal trainer. If you are really committed to achieving certain fitness goals, you might need someone who can help you get there. Good personal trainers will listen as you tell them what you want to accomplish. They will then develop a customized fitness plan to help you reach those goals. Even if you only hired a trainer for a few sessions, that would be money well spent.

Personal trainers teach people how to workout correctly, how to eat right, and how to develop a healthy lifestyle. Some gyms and personal trainers also offer Squad Training. This allows two to four friends to workout together with a personal trainer at a reduced rate. The common response to the suggestion of hiring a trainer is, “Personal trainers are too expensive. I can’t afford that.” The person that makes this excuse is also the person that is probably not going to achieve their fitness goals. If something is important enough, it is worth the financial investment involved.

4. Join a support group. Organizations like Weight Watchers have helped people for years to lose weight and become more healthy. There are many different types of groups out there. Many churches, for example, offer support groups to help people lose weight and become more physically fit. These support groups provide education, encouragement, and accountability. These three things are invaluable to reaching health and fitness goals. Like a gym, support groups also serve as a community for their members.

Whether you implement one or all of these suggestions, let 2024 be the year that you reach your health and fitness goals. You only get one shot at life and your body is not going to last forever. Develop healthy habits and a healthy lifestyle this year that will benefit you for years to come.

What would it mean for you to set and then attain a fitness goal?

Annie and I are serving the Lord in the US, India, Africa, and South America. Would you consider becoming part of our support team? Just click here to get started. Obrigado and Feliz ano novo! (Thank you and Happy New Year!)

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