A Great Visit from Down Under!

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Annie and I just said goodbye to some wonderful new friends. A team from C3 Church Bridgeman Downs, Australia came to Brazil on a missions trip. They were in Brazil for almost three weeks. They started up in the Northeastern part of the country where they worked with Compassion International. C3 Church has a great relationship with Compassion and the team spent almost a week visiting various Compassion projects and serving in different ways.

AussieteamCompassionThe team members were able to meet and visit the children that they individually sponsor. The Compassion International leaders at the projects told the team that their children had been asking for weeks, “When is my sponsor coming to visit me?” This is a once-in-a-lifetime event for most of these children. To actually meet their sponsors is such a special thing for them.

After a great time of visiting their sponsored children, Annie and I met the Australian team in São Paulo on a Saturday night. On Sunday morning, we all went to C3 Church ABC, where Pastor Tony Peterson, the Aussie team leader preached. We had four people come to Christ. The team also prayed with many people for a variety of needs.

After church, and after a great lunch with Pastors Sidnei and Raquel, we got in a van for the hour drive to Santos. In the evening we went to C3 Church Santos where Pastor Tony preached and the team ministered again. We saw three more people come to Christ and so many received prayer.

On Monday night, we met with Pastor Fabio’s leadership team. Pastor Tony provided some very practical leadership teaching. Tuesday night, Pastor Fabio combined all of his connect groups and we had one big connect group. Several of the team members shared short teachings and testimonies on the importance of being planted in a local church.

Pastor Fabio scheduled a Wednesday night Holy Spirit meeting. Pastor Samantha McDonell led that meeting.AussieteaminSantos There was great worship, a lot of prayer, and some incredible prophetic ministry. This was a powerful meeting and God’s Presence was almost tangible. Pastor Sidnei and Raquel brought over a big group from C3 ABC to experience what God was doing.

On Thursday, the Aussie team, along with Annie and I flew to Curitiba. Annie took them around Curitiba and showed them the sights on Friday. On Saturday, we had a leadership meeting with our team at C3 Church Curitiba. We had a Brazilian barbecue with 25 of our leaders and Pastor Tony shared some great leadership insights.

TonyandRonaldSunday night was a very special service at C3 Church Curitiba. It was our five year birthday party and the Australian team was here to help us celebrate. Pastor Tony shared a powerful message on Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. He said that God is still the God of resurrection. He specializes in bringing dead things to life.

Three people responded to the invitation for salvation. One woman came forward weeping as she surrendered fullaltarC3Curitibaher life to Christ. Her son and daughter are active members of our church and have prayed for her salvation for years. Her son came down front with her, crying for joy as he saw his prayers answered. Pastor Tony then opened the altar for those who needed God to resurrect their dreams. 50 or 60 people responded and received prayer.

We are so thankful for these seven incredible Australians. We appreciate their sacrifice of leaving their families behind for a couple of weeks and paying their own ways to come to Brazil. Their investment in our churches will be seen for years to come!

David and Annie Spell are serving with C3 Church in Curitiba, Brazil. They are training leaders and helping plant churches. Would you join their team? Your gifts help them continue to have an impact in so many lives. Just click here to get involved. Obrigado!

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