A Guide to Online Resources for Bible Study

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I often get asked what are some of the best websites to use when doing a Bible study, preparing a sermon, or just finding the answer to a Bible question? I still like digging into actual books when I do research, but when we moved to Brazil, I had to box up my large library and put it into storage. Here are a few of the websites that I go back to on a regular basis.

  1. Biblestudytools.com This site has a very good, simple to use Bible search engine with multiple translations. It also offers some great resources in the library. This site will have more than enough for most people.
  2. Biblehub.com I usually go here when I want to do a word study. They make it very easy to check a word’s meaning in the original Greek or Hebrew. What I like about Bible Hub is that you can type in a verse and you will get a screen full of different types of information related to that verse.
  3. Bible.org This site is packed with articles, sermon illustrations, and so much more. The Bible study tools are good here also, but this site’s strength is in the number of resources it provides.
  4. Bible-History.com If you are doing a background study on a book of the Bible or a Biblical character, this is the site to use. Bible-History.com also contains much information about Biblical Customs, Church History, geography and so much more. It is a very extensive resource.
  5. NTGateway.com If you are looking for a little more scholarly approach to your study, this is a great place to start. It contains many different kinds of resources, including links to online versions of books.

What are some of your favorite websites for Bible study?

Annie and I are serving the Lord in Brazil. We are training leaders and helping plant churches. Would you consider partnering with us this year? Just click here for more information on getting involved. Obrigado!


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