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“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.”

This is my favorite time of the year for so many reasons. Thanksgiving was last month. If I am honest, one of the reasons I enjoy Thanksgiving so much is that it is the official lead in to Christmas. I know the retailers have not gotten this memo and start hyping Christmas right after Halloween, but they are trying to make money. Christmas is always a wonderful time of getting to spend extra time with those we love.

One of the main reasons that I love this time of the year, however, is the fact that a brand new year is right around the corner. The beauty of a new year is that we get to start fresh. Whatever resolutions or goals that we didn’t accomplish in 2011, we get another shot at in 2012.

What is sad, though, is that so few people really plan for success in their lives. They might be able to set Sale’s Goals for work. They might be able to formulate Career Objectives. When it comes to their personal lives, however, they don’t know how or even consider the importance of setting goals. Many people will make New Year’s Resolutions, but very few people follow through and complete them. When we set clear goals, however, we have a much better chance of seeing some positive change take place in our lives.

How much thought do you give to personal goals? Do you think that these are the same as New Year’s Resolutions? Have you set goals yet for 2012 for your spiritual life? Your relationships? Your financial life?

Annie and I are serving the Lord in Brazil. We would love to have you on our team. Just click here to get involved. Obrigado!

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