About Me
Welcome and thanks for stopping by! I hope you like what you see and stick around for a little while. DavidSpell.com is where I discuss leadership, Christian living, and even review a few books. I have also been known to write about parenting and personal development. I post Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. My Wednesday post is a podcast from my show, Leading and Learning. On Sundays I re-post my most popular post for the week in case you missed it. I always welcome comments and interaction. Let me know what you are thinking! If you have any suggestions or questions feel free leave me a message.
If you are new to my site, here are a few of my most popular blogs:
Tips for Making a Major Life Change
Book Review- Fearless- The Adam Brown Story
Looking Back: A Few Thoughts on Retiring
If you want to do a little exploring, check out my archives or use the search feature on the right sidebar. If you like what you see, why don’t you subscribe to DavidSpell.com? It is free, easy, and ensures that you will never miss a post. Just enter your email address at the right or you can subscribe to the RSS feed. Don’t worry, I will never give your email addresss out. Thanks for following!
My Biography
I was a police officer just outside metro-Atlanta for almost thirty years. I retired as a Lieutenant and had a great career and some incredible adventures. If you like exciting police stories, I wrote two books, Street Cop and Street Cop II: Reloaded about my career. Check them out!
I have been married to my college sweetheart, Annie, for over thirty years. Our daughters are both grown and married to great guys. We are really enjoying being empty-nesters.
Annie and I were part of the C3 Church in Lawrenceville, Georgia. We served as part of the pastoral team for many years. I also had privilege of being part of the teaching faculty of the C3 School of Ministry for over ten years. The C3 SOM is preparing and equipping the next generation of church planters, pastors, worship leaders, and others to fulfill the Great Commission. I taught Bible, theology, and leadership courses.
While still working for the police department, I went back to school, getting a few degrees. My masters degree is in Management and my Ph.D is in Theology. My first book, Peter and Paul in Acts, was my doctoral dissertation. My second book, Miracles in Mark, is a study of all Jesus’ miracles in that Gospel.
Annie and I moved to Curitiba, Brazil, in 2012, sent out from C3 Church, Atlanta. We are working with our C3 Churches here, as well as helping to lay the groundwork for future church plants. It was strangely exciting to take such a big step of faith at this point in our lives. I will provide regular updates on the blog about what we are doing, as well as providing some cultural insights that we pick up along the way. Some of them are pretty funny! Check out Adventures in a Brazilian Grocery Store- Part One and Part Two.
Feel free to drop me a line with any questions or comments at david@davidspell.com
Thank you ,have a blessed day !