Do you ever feel like you have hit a plateau with your workouts? Or maybe you might even be bored with the type of training that you are doing. It sounds like it is time to change things up a little bit.
This might be the time to try something new. If you haven’t tried Crossfit, maybe this would be a good time to give it a try. You might consider getting a personal trainer for a few sessions to show you some new ways to work out.
Two other great additions to any workout regime are boxing and kickboxing. I am not talking about the cardio kickboxing that you see in so many gyms, where it looks more like Zumba with punches and kicks. This is a pretty good workout and will burn some calories but I am talking about actually punching and kicking something.
You don’t have to participate in full-contact sparring to get the benefits of boxing or kickboxing. Many gyms have a heavy punching bag hanging up for use. Have you ever hit one? Working the heavy bag is an incredible workout. Of course, you are getting some great cardio but you are also getting a full-body strength and conditioning workout.
Now, if you have never punched the bag before, I would recommend getting a lesson or two from a boxing or kickboxing coach to help you learn the basic punches and kicks. YouTube has some great instructional videos as well. Check out this one for some Muay Thai basics and this one for some boxing basics. Nothing takes the place of personalized instruction but these and other videos will give you some basics to start training with on the heavy bag.
If you are interested in training on the heavy bag, invest in some good boxing gloves and hand wraps. Twelve to fourteen ounce gloves will be about right for most people. Good gloves and wraps will protect your hands and wrists while you are punching the bag.
Another option to punching the heavy bag is working with a partner and hitting the punching pads. If your gym does not have a punching bag, the pads are a great option if you have a training partner. Again, this is a good place to consult a personal trainer with a background in the martial arts.
Working with a partner using the pads is another great way to train. This type of training allows you to move around more. Your partner can also simulate punches back at you to teach you good defense as well. If you are fortunate enough to able to train both on a heavy bag and with the pads, you will really be adding some much to your workouts!
Annie and I are serving the Lord in Brazil. We are training leaders and helping plant churches. Would you join our support team? Your gifts enable us to reach so many people! Just click here to get involved. Obrigado!