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“The churches here in the province of Asia greet you heartily in the Lord, along with Aquila and Priscilla and all the others who gather in their home for church meetings.”

This week, our small groups start back up at C3 Curitiba after taking a break for Christmas, New Year’s, and Summer vacation. Things are a little different here in the southern hemisphere. The break has been nice but I always look forward to starting home groups back up.

The early church met in homes and it wasn’t until a couple of hundred years after the time of Christ that they had their own buildings. There is something special that happens when we meet together as believers in someone’s home. Don’t get me wrong. I love the big meeting. I love the loud worship and the vibe that comes from several hundred people worshipping together.

There is also a special connection that comes when ten or twelve people meet in someone’s living room. That smaller setting creates an intimate atmosphere where people can open up and talk about what is going on in their world. There is no doubt that people receive ministry in the big meeting. It is in the smaller meeting, though, that they can really open up and share their struggles, victories, and prayer requests.

Many people avoid getting involved in small groups for those very reasons. It is easy to hide in a big meeting. There is no place to hide, though, in someone’s living room! At the same time, this is the atmosphere in which we can really create lifelong friendships. We make friends in the big meeting, but deep friendships are forged as we do life together on a regular basis.

What is your small group experience? Do you have a group of people that you are connected with on a regular basis? If not, I encourage you to take the plunge. You will be glad you did!

If you would like to help us share God’s grace in Brazil, here is the link. Obrigado! (Thank you!)


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