Book Review- Fearless by Eric Blehm

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For the last couple of years, this book review has been one of my top viewed posts. This is definitely a book to put on your reading list for 2016!

Fearless is not a book about the Navy SEALs even though Adam Brown was a member of the elite SEAL Team Six. This is not a book about combat, even though Adam saw his fair share while serving his country. Fearless: The Undaunted Courage and Ultimate Sacrifice of Navy SEAL Team SIX Operator Adam Brown is not a love story, although one can not help but be touched by the depth of love that Adam and his wife Kelly shared. Their story is even more special when one stops to consider that in many special units like the Navy SEALs, the divorce rate is much higher than for other branches of the military.

Fearless is a story of courage, faith, and determination. As a young man, Adam became addicted to crack cocaine and this addiction almost killed him. He stole from his parents and friends to support his habit and eventually was arrested for a number of forgery and theft related charges. This was not his first arrest and he was looking at some serious jail time. Just before his sentencing, however, Adam knelt and prayed with the pastor that his parents had visit him in jail. He surrendered his life to Christ and was prepared to accept whatever the judge gave him.

Fearless is a story of courage, faith, and determination.

Instead of prison, the judge offered Adam the chance to attend the one year Teen Challenge Program. The Christ-centered based rehab program was exactly what he needed. After finishing the program, Adam stayed clean for a while but he would later say, “My body just craved the drugs.” He struggled to stay clean and knew that he needed to do something drastic if he was going to survive.

adambrownAdam had always held onto a dream of becoming a Navy SEAL. He knew that with his criminal background, however, that that was unlikely. A family friend who was a high ranking naval officer agreed to pull some strings and spoke to the recruiter. Adam found himself in the Navy. His friend had helped Adam to get in. Now it was up to him.

This was his chance for Adam to make something of his life. This was his chance to leave the demons of his past behind. This was Adam’s chance to fulfill the dream that had been cast aside because of his drug addiction.

Adam became a Navy SEAL. He later was to become a member of the elite SEAL Team Six. Before joining Team Six, however, Adam suffered two injuries that should have put him out of the Navy. Either one of these injuries would have been enough for him to have been medically discharged. Instead, Adam just fought that much harder to recover and overcome these disabilities, just as he had fought and overcome his drug addiction.

Adam’s faith in Christ was a constant source of strength and encouragement for him. It did not make him any less brownfamilyof a warrior. In actuality, his colleagues considered him to be one of the most well-rounded and toughest shooters that any of them had ever worked with. Several other SEALs became Christians as well because of their friendship with Adam. I am not going to tell you how this book ends, but make sure you have a Kleenex handy. Adam’s story is one that needs to be read.

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