Here are a few questions that some of our friends are asking us:
1. Where are you guys in the Brazilian visa process? Our paperwork has been submitted to the Brazilian Consulate in Atlanta. The official that I spoke with this past week told me that it would take two to three months to process.
2. How is the fundraising coming along? So far, we have a little over $200 in monthly commitments. Our goal, and part of the visa requirement, is $3000 a month. If we could get 100 of our friends to pledge $30 a month or 150 of our friends to commit $20 a month we would be set. One time gifts are also appreciated!
3. What is your target date to return to Brazil? We would love to be back in Curitiba in the first quarter of 2013. Everything hinges on getting the visa and having enough money to support ourselves. Pastor Ronald Berg, of C3 Curitiba, Skypes with us every week and starts by asking, “When are you guys coming back?”
We are still making the rounds of all the Discipleship Groups at our home church, C3 Atlanta, and sharing what God did while we were in Brazil. People are excited to see what God is doing in South America. If you have a group that you would like us to speak at and share the South American vision, feel free to contact me at spelldavid@bellsouth.net.
Would you like to be part of our team as we prepare to move back to Brazil? Here is the link. Obrigado! (Thank you!)