“So, what are you guys actually doing in Brazil?”
Great question! We have been here for a month now and are starting to feel at home. Let me give you a run down of what Annie and I are involved in. First of all, we are based in a thriving, growing church, C3 Curitiba. We are working with Pastors Ronald and Werner, helping them with training and developing teams, as well as planning upcoming events. The first event that we were a part of was the very first C3 Brazil Pastors and Leaders Conference. We had twenty pastors and leaders from our two C3 churches here, as well as several other pastors that were interested in checking us out. Pastor Dean Sweetman was down from Atlanta as the keynote speaker.
Another thing that we are involved in is getting some of C3’s resource materials translated into Portuguese. Annie and I have been transcribing several of the C3 Culture Videos. Someone else here is then translating that into Portuguese. After that is finished, we are forwarding them to the amazing David Gabrell, of C3 Atlanta, who is then adding the Portuguese subtitles. If you haven’t seen any of these C3 Culture Videos, check them out here at http://www.c3churchglobal.com/resources-search Creating a library of good resources in Portuguese is an important step towards planting churches in BraziI. Pastor Ronald just started using the videos here at C3 Curitiba. Instead of having small groups for the next two months, everyone will be meeting together on Friday nights and watching a video together. The feedback has been excellent!
I preached last week and have also spoken at a couple of the church’s small groups. We are building relationships with some wonderful people. Pastor Ronald has added me to the preaching roster and I will be speaking regularly at C3 Curitiba. Towards the end of May, we will be travelling to C3 Santos to spend some time with our good friends, Pastors Fabio and Dani. Santos is a suburb of Sao Paulo, one of the biggest cities in the world. Fabio and Dani are building a great church there, and both Annie and I have preached there on earlier trips.
There are some other exciting things on the horizion that I’ll let you know about in later updates. Thanks for all the prayers, financial help, and Twitter & Facebook messages. We love staying in touch.