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We spent a couple of days last week in a very poor community in Southern Brazil. I had been asked to speak at an evening service for a new Mennonite Congregation. In the afternoon, Pastors Werner, Manfred, and I visited some families in the community.

The gentleman pictured at the left lives in a house without electricity or running water. Ernest’s wife died some years ago and he and his adult son live a very rustic life. They have a wood burning stove in the house that they cook on and that provides heat. Manfred often stops in to check on them. We spent a few minutes with him. Manfred pulled out his guitar and sang a few songs and then prayed for Ernest. Ernest was not really giving any indication that he was enjoying our visit. As we got ready to leave, though, Manfred grabbed Ernest, who probably has not bathed in this millenium, and gave him a bear hug. Ernest’s eyes filled with tears and he finally smiled. He then shook all of our hands, and yes, we all gave him a big hug.

We also spent a few minutes with this couple and their children. Their house is about one hundred and twenty years old. The wife was having some extreme back pain. After Pastor Werner prayed for her, she said that she felt much better. They have a small farm that requires the entire family’s help. The wife can’t afford to be laid up with back pain!

After a couple more visits, we went to the barn where the night’s service was going to be conducted. A good crowd of about a hundred people turned out. Most of these folks are poor farmers but their love for the Lord was evident. I preached with Pastor Werner translating and we had three people respond to the call for salvation. One was a teen-age young man who God had really touched. There is nothing more exciting than seeing people come to Christ and seeing people getting healed! Thanks to everyone who is praying for us and supporting us. We love you!

If you are interested in being a part of our ministry in Brazil, here is the link. We appreciate you!

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