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We just got back to Curitiba after a great week in Santos. Pastors Fabio and Dani Aguieiras are building a wonderful church there with C3 Santos. We spent some time with their key people on Saturday getting to know them. On Sunday, Fabio interviewed me during the church service about my career in Law Enforcement. I shared a few stories and also took some questions from the audience. Fabio had really played up the, “Ex-Cop Turned Pastor” thing and had a number of visitors to the church. After the interview, I preached on, “Running to Win.” Click here if you want to see the outline of my message:

Fabio and Dani planted the first C3 Church in Brazil a few years ago in Santos. Church planters are modern day pioneers. Fabio and Dani have worked through adversity and are building something special. They have a great team of leaders and are poised for growth. One of the most exciting things that I saw were the number of men in the church. For the first few years, the group was mostly women. Pastor Fabio now has a great group of committed men, who along with some amazing women, are helping Fabio and Dani reach their city for Christ.

On Wednesday nights, the men and women have separate Connect Groups. I spoke to the men and Annie was with the ladies. Below is a picture of Annie with some of the C3 Santos ladies. The feedback on our trip to Santos was great. For many of Fabio’s newer members, it was the first time that they had gotten to meet us. They were amazed that C3 Americas had actually sent people to Brazil from the United States.

One of the other exciting things that we are seeing is the connection that is developing between the two C3 churches in Brazil. The two cities are several hundred miles apart but the pastors and people are making an effort to build relationships between the two groups. Pastor Ronald has preached in Santos. This Saturday, Pastor Fabio is bringing a van full of C3 Santos people to Curitiba. Fabio will preach here and his people will get an opportunity make friends with the folks here.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to our work here in Brazil. We could not do it without you!

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