Brazil Update- A New Team Member

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C3 Brazil has another international team team member! Maria Reyes recently joined Annie and I in Curitiba. Maria was an emergency room nurse in Coffs Harbour, Australia, but felt the call of God to come to Brazil. She is a part of a great C3 Church there and went to School of Ministry at C3 Oxford Falls, Sydney.

For over four years, Maria has been e-mailing Pastor Dean Sweetman, the Regional Director for C3 Americas. She has spoken to him several times at conferences over the years saying, “When you take C3 to South America, please let me know. I want to be a part of it.”

Maria was born in Honduras but has lived in Australia for the last twenty years. She has a brother who is serving as aanniemariaandi missionary in Paraguay and really feels that her destiny is in South America as well. She told me, “I really believe in the local church as being the hope for the world. I want to help build the Church in Brazil and the rest of South America.”

Annie and I are thrilled to have Maria on-board as part of the team. She will be here for at least three months serving in C3Curitiba. Please add her to your prayer list and ask God to speak to her about her future role in C3 Brazil and South America.

If you would like to help us have an impact in Brazil, here is the link. Obrigado! (Thank you!)

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