We just celebrated another wonderful C3 Brazil Conference. All three of our churches gathered in Curitiba for a time of teaching, worship, eating together, and some fantastic preaching. C3 Conferences are always special because they are provide opportunities for people from our different churches to meet, reconnect, and learn from each other.
This year we had three workshops for people to participate in. Pastors Sidnei and Raquel from C3 Church ABC did one on Creating a Successful Connect Groups Program. Pastors David and Manu from C3 Santos taught a workshop on Children’s Ministry. They are the children’s pastors for Pastors Fabio and Dani and have created an amazing children’s ministry there.
The last workshop was for the worship teams. Worship Pastor Felipe Souza from C3 Church Curitiba invested in the musicians and worship leaders from the other churches. If you would like to get just a taste of the worship from this year’s C3 Brazil Conference, just click here and here.
Aside from the conference, Annie and I have been working hard. I preached last week at C3 Curitiba and we saw five people come to Christ. I also just finished up a four week School of Ministry Course on the Gospel of John. We have been doing this class on Wednesday nights with twenty students.
Thanks for your prayers, financial support, and encouragement. If you would like to be a part of what God is doing in Brazil, just click here to get involved. Together, we can impact so many lives! Obrigado!