Brazil Update- by Annie

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What a special treat to have my wife, Annie, write a special guest blog! Enjoy!

Hi y’all! I wanted to tell you about our very first C3 Curitiba EveryWoman’s event which we just held. It was an all-day affair at a large “villa” on the outskirts of town. Pastor Christiane Berg asked me in early May if we should have a women’s meeting – ummm, YEAH!! We had over 30 ladies, ages 18 to 60, and our theme was “Come As You Are,” using Psalm 100 to teach from.

This group is still new to C3, and we had a really good time sharing together. Ps Chris & I spoke about how much God wants us to come to Him, to know He is good and will never leave us nor forsake us. I shared our story of how David and I came to be in Brazil and the fact that God has a plan for each of our lives. Of course, I had a little help from a wonderful translator & new friend Regina, who teaches English at a private school. Ps Chris gave a strong message on the goodness of God and that He takes us as we are but doesn’t want us to STAY as we are!

After the messages, some delicious food, and some fun ice-breaker games, we broke into three groups, with Ps Betina (she & her husband Werner are the associate pastors here), Ps Chris and me each leading one. What a wonderful opportunity to pray for each other and to share our hearts. Women all over the world have the same needs, hopes, dreams, goals and we need to link arms as sisters and carry one another through tough times. The Holy Spirit was there, letting each woman know she was loved, cared for and looked after by our amazing Father God! It was a huge privilege to be part of this first EveryWoman event and I can’t wait til our next one in September!

Here is the link if you would like to contribute to our ministry here in Brazil. Obrigado! (Thank you!)

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