Brazil Update- Coming to America!

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Post Baptism Pic- C3 Church Santos

It is so good to be home! I just got back to the United States this week. I was able to make one last ministry trip in Brazil before leaving. I spent the first two weeks of March with our two churches in the state of São Paulo. I was with C3 Santos for a week and with C3 SBC (São Bernardo do Campo) for a week. I preached in their Sunday services and we held a School of Ministry Intensive in both churches.

Both churches are growing and thriving. Pastors Fabio and Dani in Santos will have to add a second service in the next few months to accommodate everyone. While I was in Santos, Pastor Fabio asked me to help him with his first baptism service of the year. We baptized nine people! Their goal is to baptize at least fifty people this year, so they are well on the way to reaching it.

Pastors Sidnei and Raquel have just added a second Sunday service for their church because of their growth. C3 SBC is in a great part of town in the middle of a neighborhood. Their facility is really nice, just small. Please pray for them that God would provide for them so they can move into a bigger location.

The School of Ministry was a great success. We had over thirty students every night for four straight nights in both churches. We studied the Apostle Paul and His Letters. Their is nothing that I love more than seeing people getting excited about God and His Word.

Preaching at C3 Church SBC

After two weeks in São Paulo, I came back to Curitiba to preach one last time at C3 Curitiba. I also needed to wrap up some more personal things. After living anywhere for five years, there are a lot of details that you have to get sorted out.

Annie went back to the US a month before I did. She has been working hard, getting things taken care of there as we start our lives over in the Atlanta area. There are so many things we don’t know yet but we know that God is already there and He is good. One of the promises that I have been praying is from Exodus 23:20: “See, I am sending an angel before you to protect you on your journey and lead you safely to the place I have prepared for you.”

Annie with our two grandkids, Lyla and Micah

We would appreciate your prayers as we make these transitions. Thank you so much to everyone who has prayed for us, encouraged us and supported us. We will continue to be involved in ministry in Brazil and other countries as God opens the doors. Our plan is to make at least one ministry trip a year to South America. If you would like to support that ministry, just click here. C3 Church is just getting started in South America and we want to support church planting efforts in Brazil and beyond. We will keep you updated about our plans as they develop.

Of course, we are going to be serving at our home church, C3 Atlanta. We look forward to connecting with so many of you. And if you haven’t subscribed to, please do! It just makes it so much easier to stay connected. God bless you!

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