Brazil Update- Countdown to Launch!

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Annie and I celebrating our 30th anniversary

The countdown has officially started. A date has been set and Annie and I are ready to launch back to Brazil. We will be leaving on May 19th. The plane tickets have been purchased and now we are working to get things ready to move to South America.

Since we are moving down there for a few years, you can imagine all the loose ends that need to be tied up here in the United States. We are also still raising money for support in Brazil. We could use some more monthly partners to help us reach people in Brazil and help plant churches.

We are going to be based at C3 Church Curitiba with our good friends, Pastors Ronald and Chris Berg. Thanks to Skype, we have already been discussing strategy for how to have the most impact in Brazil. Part of that strategy will also involve working with our other good friends, Pastors Fabio and Dani Aguieiras of C3 Church Santos.

Please keep us in prayers as we work on getting ready for the move. Here are a few specific items we would love for you to pray with us about:

1. The right place to live in Curitiba.

2. Financial Provision

3. God’s grace & help to learn Portuguese quickly.

4. A good car to purchase in Brazil

If you would like to partner with us as we serve in Brazil, here is the link! Obrigado!

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