Brazil Update- Healthy Churches

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C3 Santos

Even though Annie and I are back in the US for a little while, we are staying in close contact with our friends in Brazil. We Skype and message with Pastors Ronald and Chris in C3 Curitiba and Pastors Fabio and Dani at C3 Santos almost every week. Both churches are growing and healthy and poised to accomplish great things in their communities.

Pastors Fabio and DaniPastors Fabio and Dani continue to see people coming to Christ on a regular basis. In fact, the majority of the people in their church came to faith through Fabio and Dani’s ministry. Would you add this great young couple to your prayer list? One of the needs that they have right now is for a new place for the church to meet. The landlord cancelled their lease and just gave them a couple of weeks notice. You can imagine the challenge of trying to quickly find another place for their church to worship together. We believe that God is going to give them an even better facility, in a better location, at a better price!


C3 Curitiba

Pastors Ronald and Chris are doing an amazing job with C3 Curitiba. They have a wonderful team of leaders that are working together to build something special in that great city. This was the church that we were based in while we lived there. Our plan is to continue to be based out of C3 Curitiba when we go back in 2013. Curitiba is a strategic city and Pastor Ronald has a big vision. He is already looking forward to future church plants and is getting his team ready to make that happen. Would you pray for Ronald, Chris, and their team? One of the things that he is praying for is more leaders. Part of what Annie and I were doing while we were there was training young leaders. A big vision requires a lot of big people!

Pastors Ronald and ChrisThank you for praying for our friends and for these great churches in Brazil! We are so excited to see what God is going to do in 2013.

If you would like to partner with Annie and I as we work towards getting back to Brazil, here is the link. Obrigado! (Thank you!)

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