Brazil Update- Maria Heads Home

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If you have been following our Brazil Updates here, you may remember that I introduced you to Maria Reyes. If you missed that post, you can have a look here. Maria is a part of the C3 Church in Coff’s Harbour, Australia. For several years, she had felt that God was leading her to serve in South America. She eventually joined Annie and I in Curitiba, Brazil.

What an amazing blessing Maria was! She quickly became an integral part of the team and helped us in so many ways. Before she got to Brazil, I asked her over Skype what she wanted to do when she joined us. Did she have have something in particular that she wanted to do as far as ministry was concerned? Her answer gave us a beautiful window into Maria’s soul: “No, I don’t have any agenda. I just want to come and serve Pastors Ronald and Chris and you and Annie. I will do whatever you need me to do.” This is the kind of attitude that builds the Kingdom of God!

Maria lived with Annie and I for the last six weeks that we were in Brazil. She worked closely with us in everything that we were involved in at C3 Curitiba and C3 Santos.By the time Annie and I had to return to the US, Maria had become indispensable to Pastor Ronald and the team in Curitiba. She worked closely with him and his Creative Director, Andrea, in organizing church events and also helped to lay the groundwork for future church plants. Maria was even able to get away for a couple of weeks to visit her brother in Paraguay. He and his family are missionaries there.

Now, it is time for Maria to head back to Australia. Like us, she was in Brazil on a tourist visa that only allows foreigners to be in-country a certain amount of time each year. Maria feels that God has called her to work in South America. Her plans are to go back to Australia for a year or so to prepare herself to move back to Brazil. As a nurse, she already has a job lined up in Coff’s Harbour.

Would you add Maria to your prayer list? She has felt the call of God and knows that her destiny is serving God in South America. Please pray for her and for Annie and I as we all seek to do our part in fulfilling C3 Church’s 20/20 Vision. 

If you would like to help us have an impact in Brazil, here is the link. Obrigado! (Thank you!)

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