Annie and I just got back to Curitiba after spending almost two weeks with our two churches in the São Paulo area. We started at C3 Church Santos. They held their first ever Real Men Conference and I was honored to be able to speak at the closing session on Saturday night.
Over fifty men gathered for a great time of team building, soccer, worship, and teaching. At the closing session on Saturday night, nine men surrendered their lives to Christ. Many other men were touched and set free from so many things. It was a great conference and I can’t wait to see how big it gets next year.
After the conference, I preached at C3 Santos and we saw five people come to Christ. On Tuesday night, Annie and I spoke at one of their connect groups. They actually combined two groups so we had about thirty people crammed into someone’s home. Pastor Fabio said he is already feeling the benefit of having us come to Santos more regularly and stay longer.
Later in the week, we drove over to São Bernardo do Campo, an hours drive. Pastor Sidnei had set up
I preached at C3 ABC on Sunday morning and we saw five more people come to Christ. In the evening, Sidnei had made arrangements for me to preach at a friend’s church in the city of Cotia, outside of São Paulo. The name of the church is Reobote Church. In English, it would be Rehoboth Church.
It was an interesting service. It started raining during the worship and the roofed leaked really bad! Most everybody was getting dripped on. Eventually the rain stopped and Pastor Reginald invited me to preach. About three quarters of the way through my message, the power went out. A few ushers with flashlights came and stood up front so the people could see me and my translator. When I gave the invitation, five people came forward to receive Christ.
In all, we saw almost twenty five people come to Christ this past week. We were able to spend some quality time with Pastors Fabio and Dani and Pastors Sidnei and Raquel. In addition, we also got connect with some key people in both churches. Now it is time to get ready for our C3 Brazil Conference. Stay posted for more updates!
If you would like to be a part of what we are doing in Brazil, just click here. God bless you! Obrigado!