Brazil Update- Snapshot of C3 Curitiba by Annie

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Hi everybody! Thanks again for taking the time to read about our lives here in Brazil and for all the prayer, support and encouragement you folks give us on social media. We have had a great few months of growth here over the winter/spring of August-October, with many new people coming to see what C3 Church Curitiba is all about. We are thankful to be attracting young singles, married couples with children, and several families whose offspring are grown but still living at home. It’s very common to have post-college-age adults living with their parents until they get married because the cost of living is sky-high in Curitiba and most of Brazil. In short, we are blessed to have the generations represented in our midst, although the median age is about twenty-five. Our goal is to be “Fun, Powerful, and Relevant!”

Always making friends!
Always making friends!

We had an awesome move of the Holy Spirit during August when our sermon series was all about knowing “o Espiritu Santo” more. Our band put on a worship conference that took us all to the next level. Every week it seems they just get better and the music soars. I love that part of our church service almost as much as the message we hear each week! What is exciting to me is knowing that God is speaking to us all around the world about the things that are important to each person in each church setting.

Our God is always wanting to reach out to us as individuals, not just in groups, but alone in our personal time. He is constantly ready to communicate with us if we will open our ears, our hearts and our minds to hear His still, quiet, calm voice. If our lives are constantly moving faster than the speed of light or sound, how can we hear what the Spirit of God is trying to tell us, so that we can live a better life with less stress, less mess, and be more blessed!?!?

I want to encourage and challenge each of us (I need it, too!) to STOP at some point each day and just breathe and

Annie and Pastor Dani Aguieiras
Annie and Pastor Dani Aguieiras

talk to God, in whatever way that works for you. Walk outside the office during lunch, put in earphones & listen to some music that gets you happy/peaceful or read a chapter from Psalms or Proverbs to get a fresh word from the God of the universe Who actually wants a relationship with YOU – like a Father, a Husband, a Friend you trust with your LIFE, He wants to meet the need you and I have today, right now.

We love you, we appreciate you, and we couldn’t be here doing what we do each day, counseling, meeting with folks, helping grow the church, without your financial, prayer and personal support!!! Muito obrigada, gente!!!

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