Brazil Update- The End of the Beginning

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It is hard to believe that we have been in Brazil for five months. It has been an amazing time and God has done some incredible things! The last few weeks have been packed. Pastors Chris, Betina, Annie, and Maria just hosted the second C3 Curitiba Every Woman event. It was another full house and there was a special Presence of God in the room as the ladies wrote out their dreams and then prayed over them. Itannieandgirls will be exciting to see these dreams coming to pass! Pastors Chris and Betina are already planning the next Every Woman for December. We will not be here and it is so good to see them keeping it going.

We also recently helped lead the first C3 Curitiba Leaders Training Night. All of the small groups are maxed out and we need some new leaders. About twenty people came to the training that Pastor Ronald and I taught. There are some new small groups on the horizon! One of the things that we were thrilled to see were a couple of young couples that have only been in the church five or six months but stepping up to the next level of serving. The future is so bright for C3 Church in Brazil!

Pastor Ronald Berg translated for me at the Snowball Church.

Last week, I had the opportunity to preach at one of the Bola de Neve (Snowball) Churches again. Pastor Syrio is a good friend and this is a great group of churches that have a similar vision to C3’s. We had a great service and saw eight people come to Christ for the first time or re-commit their lives to Him.

What is Next?

We leave Brazil on September 12 to come back to the US. Brazil only allows us to stay here for six months on a tourist visa and we have almost hit that mark. When we get back to America, our goal is to get a more permanent visa and return to Brazil as soon as possible. If you would pray that would go smoothly, we would greatly appreciate it.

Annie and I are also going to be raising financial support. We really need people whoaltarcompolargo can commit to monthly support to see C3 Churches established in Brazil and South America. Would you pray about being part of our monthly support team? I will be putting out more details later but I wanted to give everyone a little update on what our plans are. The link below allows you to set up monthly donations.

We can’t wait to see everyone at C3 Atlanta soon and would love to connect with as many of our other friends as we can. If you would like us to come and speak at your church, small group, Sunday School class, etc, just let me know!

If you would like to help us share God’s grace in Brazil, here is the link. Obrigado! (Thank you!)

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