Brazil Update- The Halfway Point

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We have been in Brazil for three months now. Annie and I have seen God do some amazing things! Annie helped kick off the first C3 Curitiba Everywoman event. It was an amazing success. They actually had to cut off the registrations because the venue was full.

Annie has also been conducting a weekly Women’s Bible Study. Many of the ladies that are coming are new Christians and this is providing a great opportunity for them to be discipled. We are also leading C3 Curitiba’s first new believers/new members class. This is a five part class that I have been teaching. Two of the church’s excellent leaders will be teaching the course next time.

Much of what we have been doing here in Curitiba is helping to train, equip, and impart C3 Church Culture to the leadership team. Pastor Ronald has me on the preaching rotation and I am speaking regularly in church. I have also had the opportunity to do some speaking for other churches and groups and we have seen a number of people come to Christ. I just finished a three part course for a local marketing company. They handle accounts for some international and national companies. The Director General of the company had me in to talk about my law enforcement career but to also teach on “Team Building,” and “Creating Your Best Life” for his employees.

We spent a week with our C3 Church in Santos and are planning on going back there next month for a few days. Pastors Fabio and Dani are building a great church there and have a wonderful team working alongside them. What we are also excited about is the great relationship that is being built between the two C3 Churches in Brazil. They are about a six hour drive apart but we are already seeing some visiting back and forth.

Annie and I are scheduled to be here until the middle of September. When we came down, we only had about 70% of the money we needed to live on. We have been frugally milking that for all it is worth but we could use some help. We want to finish strong and we don’t want to be a burden to the church here. We have had a little money come in the last couple of months but, at this point, we do not have quite enough to pay August’s rent and utilities and none for September (and, of course, we would like to keep eating!). The cost of living in Curitiba is higher than we expected. We really need to raise $2000.00 in the next three weeks.

If you would be willing to help us out with a financial gift, please click on the link below. We would so appreciate it! A young man told us this week, “When I see you guys, I see the big hug of the Father. You guys have brought so much love to Brazil!” Your prayers and financial support have allowed us to have that kind of impact and are laying the groundwork for something incredible in Brazil and the rest of South America. Thank you for your help and for believing in us. We love you!

Annie feeding baby Joshua, Pastor Fabio & Dani’s son.

Preaching with Pastor Werner translating.

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