We just got back from spending the weekend with the C3 Church in Santos. Pastors Fabio and Dani, as well as their team, are really building something special there. Jose’ or Ze’, as he is affectionately called, is part of C3 Curitiba and drove us up to Santos. It is about a six hour trip. Maria made her first trip to Santos with us.
On Friday night, Pastor Fabio had me do a Leadership Meeting. It was a great time of teaching and discussion. As I looked across the room at Fabio’s key leaders, I realized that most of these guys and girls had come to Christ in C3 Santos under Fabio and Dani’s ministry. Now, they are stepping up and serving in various capacities throughout their church. So many of them have taken ownership of Pastor Fabio’s vision and are making things happen.
On Saturday, we had a lunch with a big group of the C3 Santos folks. The sense of community is strong here and they love to be together. One of C3’s cultural emphases is the fact that we believe in the importance of “the table.” So much life happens around a meal! People share their stories, they share their struggles, and they share their victories. Relationships are strengthened as we share a meal together.
C3 Santos meets for church on Sunday night. Pastor Fabio just started the church’s first New Believer’s Class. They had twenty-three people sign up for this course and it meets an hour before church. I taught on “Who is Jesus?”
Afterwards, we had an incredible church service. I preached to a packed house and God really touched some people. The church actually is starting a 40 day fast this week and the sense of anticipation is very strong.
I found out after the service that one of the ladies that was there had been walking down the street in front of where the church meets. She heard the music, came inside, and stayed for the entire service. God really touched her and she said that she will be bringing her family back next week. Another lady who is not even a regular attendee of C3 Santos came and brought three friends. I also met the father of the one of the teen-agers who is a part of C3 Santos. The dad is not a Christian yet but he loves the church because of the changes he has seen take place in his son. This gentleman comes periodically and it is just a matter of time before he surrenders to Christ as well.
Thanks so much for making all of this possible. Your prayers and financial support really make a difference!