Brazil Update- What is New?

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Annie and I are still waiting to hear back from the Brazilian Consulate on our visa. We are expecting and hoping to hear something soon. As soon as we get the visa, we will talk to our pastors about setting a Launch Date. In the meantime, both Annie and I are working full-time and raising what money we can to put towards the Brazilian ministry.

I recently spent a great weekend with Living Hope Church in Haymarket, Virginia. I spoke at their Men’s Retreat, preached on Sunday, and did some meetings with the youth. All in all, I did eight meetings over three days. I also had the opportunity to share the Brazil vision with them. Living Hope is a very mission minded church and a very generous community and we picked up some mission support there. If you would like to hear the message that I preached there during their Sunday service, you can click here to listen.

We are still looking for partners to join our monthly support team. One time gifts are also greatly appreciated. This past Sunday, a young, single mom came up to me in church and handed me an envelope. She said, “I want to be a part. I want to help you and Annie get back to Brazil.” When I opened the envelope later, I found $23.39 in cash. My eyes filled with tears at her sacrifice and generosity. I thought immediately of another woman who gave what she could and and who was praised by Jesus for giving sacrificially. Annie and I are humbled by the generosity of our friends and so thankful for those who have already invested in Brazil and South America.

If you would like to partner with Annie and I as we prepare to go back to Brazil, here is the link. Obrigado! (Thank you!)


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