Annie and I have been back in the US for a week now and are enjoying reconnecting with all of our wonderful friends and family. It was great this past Sunday to be in our home church, C3 Atlanta. Thanks to everyone who has prayed for us, contributed to the work in Brazil, and helped us in so many ways.
We spent almost six months in Brazil working with our two C3 Churches there. We accomplished a lot but this was also a fact-finding mission as well. Our churches in Brazil are growing and thriving but those two are the only C3 Churches in Brazil. On top of that, they are the only two C3 Churches in all of South America. C3 is a church planting movement and the time is right to expand the work in Brazil.
What are the next steps?
1. We are working on applying for a permanent visa for Brazil. This visa would allow us to live and work there indefinately. There is a monetary stipulation attached to the visa, however, so we have to raise a minimum of $3000.00 a month in support.
2. Annie and I need people who would be willing to be monthly partners. If 100 people could give $30 a month or 150 people could give $20 a month, we would be set. If you are interested in being part of the team here is the link: