I am very excited to announce the release of my newest book, New Testament Snapshots. It has been almost two years since the release of Leading into the 21st Century…and Beyond and with the move to Brazil last year, I got a little behind in my writing. New Testament Snapshots is only going to be released as an ebook and I know that you are going to love it!
The book focuses on ten people in the New Testament that we all have heard of if we have spent any time at all reading the Bible. At the same time, we know very little about these ten people and it seems that they are often shrouded in mystery. I believe that these ten people still have something very important to say to us. This book explores what their messages are.
New Testament Snapshots is a fantastic way to stimulate your own personal study of the Bible. I provide some discussion questions at the end of each chapter to help you dig a little deeper. This book is also an excellent study guide for small group study. Most of these stories were discussed in our own small group. Annie and I lead an incredible Connect Group here at C3 Church Curitiba, and we all learned so much as we looked at these New Testament Snapshots.
I have kept the book short and very readable. It is only about 75 pages long. So many people get intimidated trying to read a 200+ page manuscript. We all know that “leaders are readers,” and it is easy to feel guilty if we are not cultivating the reading habit. New Testament Snapshots is a great way to pick back up on that New Year’s Resolution that you made in January to read some good books this year.
This is the first book that I have published myself and it is only going to be available here. I would so appreciate it if you would forward this post to anyone that you think might be interested in reading a great book. We are keeping the price low so that everyone can afford it.
So, how can you get your copy? This link will take you to PayPal. Just drop the small sum of $3.97 in the account of dspell1219@gmail.com and I will send a copy your way. Thanks so much for your support!
As always, if you want to support our missionary work in Brazil, just click here to get involved. Obrigado!