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“What is truth?” Pilate

One of the most dramatic encounters in the entire Bible was between Jesus and Pilate, the Roman Governor. This ranks among the most memorable conversations in history. Jesus had been arrested by the Jewish religious leaders. Because the Jews were seeking the death penalty for Jesus, they had to have Him condemned and actually executed by the Romans. John records some of the dialogue between Jesus and Pilate. “You say that I am a king, and you are right,” Jesus said. “I was born for that purpose. And I came to bring truth to the world. All who love the truth recognize that what I say is true.”

I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Jesus

Pilate’s question, “What is truth?” is one that people have been asking throughout history. That question and another similar one, “Is there an ultimate truth?” are questions that philosophers still wrestle with. Can anyone really know what Truth is? This question is as relevant today as it has ever been.

Christians are often ridiculed, condemned, and ostracized because of their stand for an ultimate and eternal Truth. Christians are regularly chastised for being out of touch with modern morality. The Bible is challenged as being an outdated guide to how to live. Followers of Christ are often blasted in the media just for sharing what their beliefs are.

It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you are sincere.

In reading John’s Gospel, where this confrontation takes place between Jesus and Pilate, one quickly finds out that “truth” is a key word throughout the book. John, however, is not a Greek philosopher trying to define or teach a theoretical or philosophical concept. Instead, John tells us that Truth is embodied in a Person. “For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” Later, in this same book, Jesus will make this unbelievable statement about Himself, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

This has to rank among the boldest statements ever uttered by any man. He did not claim to have the truth, or know the truth, or be searching for the truth. He simply said, “I am the truth.” And of course, He goes on to say that He is the only way to God.

These are difficult statements to contend with for someone who is not a Christian. Jesus does not leave any wiggle room here at all. There is no place in Jesus’ words for:

“It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you are sincere.”

“I don’t see a need for God. I am happy with my life just like it is.”

“I believe all religions are taking us to the same place. They are all just different roads to the same God.”

“I can live how I want to now because there is nothing after you die.”

If Jesus was telling the truth about being the Truth, these statements all sound very hollow. But how can we know that Jesus was Who He said He was? The resurrection confirmed everything that Jesus said. It established Him as the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

The resurrection confirmed Jesus’ claim to be the Truth.

What is truth? I think Pilate had the question all wrong. It was not “what” but “who?” And the Truth was standing right in front of him.

Would you like to help Annie and I as we share the Truth in Brazil? Here is the link if you would like to be a part of our team! Obrigado!

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