Goodbye Brazil…for Now!

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We leave this week to go back to the United States. Our almost six months in Brazil has been amazing. Annie and I feel like God has called us here and we are going to be working hard to get back as soon as possible.

One of the core values of C3 Churches is that of relationships. We have built some incredible friendships over the last few months and it is not easy to say “goodbye.” At the same time, we are so excited to see our family and friends in America and can’t wait to be in our home church, C3 Atlanta!

south_americaOne of the things that motivates Annie and I, and so many other people, is the fact that there are only two C3 Churches in all of Brazil. Brazil’s land mass makes it almost the same size as the US and two churches are just not enough. But guess what? Those two C3 Churches are also the only ones in all of South America. Clearly, there is some work to be done!

Would you prayerfully consider becoming part of our support team? We need people that will commit to monthly financial support. South America needs what we have to offer. Let’s link arms and see what God can do!

If you would like to help us share God’s grace in Brazil, here is the link. Obrigado! (Thank you!)

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