How Do I Keep My Faith Alive and Growing? Part Two

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In Part One, we discussed the importance of not drifting away from God and keeping our faith in Him strong. The first way that we mentioned was the importance of staying in church. God never intended that anyone live the Christian life on their own. We need each other!

2. Spend Time with God Everyday

To rekindle and strengthen our faith when it is weak, a Christian needs to spend some time everyday in God’s Word and in prayer. It is difficult to have a relationship with someone that we never spend time with. It is the same in a person’s relationship with God. Spending time reading and meditating in the Scriptures and talking to God is a wonderful to develop a lifelong relationship with Him. Paul said in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 that Scripture is given to equip us for life.
3. Serve Others

A last way that our faith can be rekindled is by looking for opportunities to serve others. Christians throughout the centuries having testified to finding purpose and meaning in life by serving other people. It is easy to sound pious and religious when one talks about serving God. In reality, people serve God as they serve those around them. Jesus provided the example by coming to serve humanity and ultimately to die for the sins of the world. “For even I, the Son of Man, came here not to be served but to serve others, and to give my life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45)
God never promised that life or the life of faith would be easy. He did, however, promise that He would never leave us. (John 14:16) The Christian life is not an adherance to certain beliefs or creedal statements. It is a relationship with the living God, and like any relationship, it will have its highs and lows. The most important thing is that the believer never gives up and keeps pursuing the One who is always pursuing us.
How do you keep your faith strong during difficult times?
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