How Do We Unlock our Dreams?

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Photo by Trish Hartmann
Photo by Trish Hartmann

“Meanwhile, as Peter was puzzling over the vision, the Holy Spirit said to him, “Three men have come looking for you. Go down and go with them without hesitation. All is well, for I have sent them.” 

How many of us walk around with dreams, visions, goals, or just good ideas for which we have no clue what they mean? How many really good ideas have I had over the years but I just did not know what the next step was? Maybe you have even had a God idea, one of those light bulb goes off moments, but you never did anything with it.

In this passage in Acts 10, Peter has a vision. It could be argued that the vision came to him in a dream. Peter’s vision was fascinating. It would ultimately determine whether or not Christianity remained a Jewish sect or a worldwide movement open to all people. The vision was so profound, however, that Peter did not understand what it meant.

As he struggling to figure out the dream’s meaning, some men showed up at Peter’s door. It seems that their boss, a Roman centurion, had also had a vision. In his, he was directed to make contact with the Apostle Peter. He was even told where he could find him so he sent some of his guys to bring Peter to his house.

It was only as Peter went to the Roman’s house that the meaning of Peter’s dream became clear. It was only as the apostle visited him that the meaning of the Roman soldier’s vision became clear. When the two men from very different backgrounds connected, both of their visions were unlocked.

There is a very important principle at work here. Part, maybe even a large part, of our personal destiny is found in other people. God has created us to be connected, not disconnected. It is in that connection that our dreams, visions, and good ideas are unlocked.

How have you seen this principle of connection work in your life?

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