It Just Feels Like Home- C3 Church Culture- Part Two

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We recently led a four week course here at C3 Church Curitiba that highlighted the top ten values that define C3 Churches throughout the world. The class was developed from this short video in which Dr. Phil and Pastor Chris Pringle discuss these core values. As the team here in Brazil works to plant and adopt churches into the C3 Movement, we want to see these ten important values at the heart of every C3 Church.

3. The Presence of God. When Christians learn to connect with God on a daily basis, His presence is evident in their lives. It was the presence of God that caused the early church to grow. People were drawn to them. It is God’s presences that refreshes people and sets them free. When people walk into our churches, we want them to feel the presence of God. They may not know what they are feeling but it is God’s presence that all of mankind is seeking.

4. Vision and Faith. God does not call us to do things that are easy or that are within our resourses. The vision that God gives us is always going to be bigger than the resources that we have at our disposal. This is where faith comes in. God always calls us to do things that are beyond our abilities or resources so we have to rely on Him.

Faith is what attracts God. “Without faith it is impossible to please God…” Our faith is strengthened and developed as we are consistently praying and believing God for big things. As a Church Movement, C3 is commited to seeing 1000 churches planted by the year 2020. That is a big vision but we have faith in a God that is able to do more than we could ask or imagine.

5. Generosity. God is the ultimate giver. “For God so loved the world that He gave…” Generosity is one of the keys to the Kingdom. It unlocks God’s blessings. Jesus said, “Give and it shall be given to you…”

Generosity is what makes us bigger people. God is after our time, our talent, and our treasure. At C3 Church, we want to be the most generous people on the planet. We want to honor God with our tithes and offerings, giving of our time to help build the house of God, and use our talents to serve those around us.

To be continued…

Would you consider being a part of our ministry in Brazil.? We would love to have you on our team! Obrigado! (Thanks!)

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