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“We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure.”

When tragedy strikes, our natural response is to say, “Why?” We wonder what caused the tragedy. There has to be a cause and effect, right? A dear friend passed away a few days ago. He was only 53 years old. We were all stunned, shocked, speechless.

I think that most of us go through our lives and give very little thought to death. It is times of loss like this that force us to face our own mortality. We are all dying. Physically, all of us are going to die. Our bodies will wear out and quit working.

Paul reminds us here, however, that even though our bodies are frail and decaying, there is a light shining inside of us who have put our faith in Christ. That light is eternal and it shines through human weakness. In fact, human weakness makes the light shine even brighter.

God has promised that His light will be with us during the darkest of times. Even though all of us will one day pass through “the Valley of the Shadow of Death,” we don’t have to fear for God is lighting the path that leads to His Presence. Our friend, Jim, is there waiting on us.

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