Ministry Update- South America Trip

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Annie and I just got back from a ministry trip, visiting our C3 Churches in South America. Here’s a recap and a few pictures!

Week One

I was with C3 Church São Bernardo, right next to the huge city of São Paulo, Brazil. Pastors Sidnei and Raquel are building in the heart of this thriving metropolis. I spoke at a leaders meeting, preached in the Sunday service and then taught at a two-night Bible College.

Week Two

C3 Church Santos. Santos is located an hour from São Bernardo. Annie joined me here and we had a wonderful week of ministry and connection with this great church. Pastors Fabio and Dani have been dear friends for a number of years and we always enjoy being with them. 

Annie was able to be a part of their Every Woman Conference. I preached in both Sunday services and did another two-night Bible College later in the week. The most exciting thing, however, was seeing a number of people give their lives to Christ on Sunday. 

Pastor Fabio is currently in negotiations to rent the upper level of their building. They are packing their auditorium on Sundays and need more space. The upper level will allow them to almost double their capacity! One of the other many exciting things going on at C3 Santos is the growth of the youth group. Just a couple of years ago, there were no teenagers in the church. Now, there are over 60 and they are all on fire for God!

Over the years, we have visited all these churches enough to where we have built relationships with so many of the key leaders and members. The family above is a great example. Paulino is a part of the worship team and he and his wife lead a connect group in their home. Annie and I, along with Pastors Fabio and Dani, had a nice meal with them with a beautiful worship time thrown in.

Week Three

C3 Church Curitiba. Curitiba is where Annie and I lived for five years so it always feels like we are coming home when we visit. Pastors Ronald and Chris are really building something special here.

We had several great meetings and got to connect with a number of friends and key people in the church. The picture at the top is from a nice lunch we had with the three main couples who were in our connect group when we lived in Curitiba. It is such a blessing to see them serving God in so many ways and thriving in life.

Above, my good friend, Felipe Rosa, translated for when I preached in their Sunday service. God touched so many people, with a number giving their lives to Christ! After this amazing week in Curitiba, Annie flew back to the US and I left Brazil for Chile.

Week Four

C3 Church Santiago, Chile. While we were in Santos, Brazil, we got the message that Pastor Cleiton had suffered a major stroke and had been rushed to the hospital. Cleiton and Milena are Brazilians planting the church in Chile. This young pastor is only 39 years old.

I visited Cleiton in the hospital every day, laying hands on him, and praying for his healing. His left side is mostly paralyzed but his mind is sharp. He has already started physical therapy. By the time I left, he was able to move his left arm about six inches and wiggle his fingers. 

The church is still small but Cleiton and Milena never even considered canceling Sunday church or their weekly connect meeting. I spoke at their connect group and enjoyed meeting several people that are new to the church. 

On Sunday, we had a great service and I preached. A visitor, a young woman, gave her life to Christ. She told me that she had never felt God’s Presence before but did that night as she asked Jesus to save her.

Could I ask you to pray for my friends, Cleiton and Milena? I am asking God for complete healing and restoration. Let’s also ask God to use what the devil meant for evil as something that causes the church to grow in both maturity and numbers.

Romans 8:28 says, “For we know that God causes all things to work together for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose.” Young Christians in the church here are already stepping up to shoulder more responsibility. Let’s believe God that his plan and purpose for Santiago will not be stopped.

If you would like to be a part of helping us serve God’s people all over the world, just click here to get involved. We have other ministry trips coming up and you can help us make a difference in so many people’s lives. Thanks so much!

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