My Twitter Top Ten- Part Two

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Who do you enjoy following on Twitter? Here is the rest of my Top Ten. OK, it turned into a Top Twelve list!

6.  Jim Powell @Jim_Powell Baseball season is here! Jim Powell is one of the Atlanta Braves play-by-play guys. He tweets pretty extensively during the season, and often tweets during the games that he is calling.

7. Jon Acuff @jonacuff Jon is another really funny guy. He’s the author of Stuff Christians Like. He has almost 44,000 followers for a reason. Check him out.

8. Esther Havens @EstherHavens Esther is an amazing photographer. She travels the world using her talent to call attention to poverty and the need for clean water in so many Third World countries. She is an interesting person that is making a difference.

9. Kevin Butler @TheKevinButler Kevin is the guy on all of the PlayStation commercials. If you enjoy those commercials, follow him on Twitter.

10. Sheriff Joe Arpaio @RealSheriffJoe This is the sheriff that the liberals love to hate. He is known as America’s toughest Sheriff for a reason. He actually runs his jail like a jail! It is not a five star hotel. Many of his inmates are housed in tents in the Arizona desert and have to work in chain gangs. I’m smiling just typing this!

11. Jennifer Lockett @JenniferLockett She is a history teacher and archaeologist. She puts up some very interesting stuff. Her podcasts are available through ITunes and worth listening to.

12. Rick Warren @RickWarren Rick is the pastor of Saddleback Church in California. It is in the top ten of the largest churches in the USA. Rick, unlike some other leaders, updates his own Twitter account. He is especially concerned with developing young leaders and pastors and shares some great insights from his 30 years of ministry experience.

Do you follow any of these people? Do you have a “must follow” list for Twitter? I’d love to hear it!

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