Preparing Our Hearts

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For the Christian, every day should be a celebration of the fact that Jesus has risen from the dead. There is no greater event in history. The resurrection gives meaning to Jesus’ death and validates everything he ever said and did. The resurrection gives us the assurance that he defeated death and that we will be resurrected one day as well.

Today, just a few days from Good Friday and Easter Sunday, it would be good to prepare our hearts and start meditating on the Scriptures that record Jesus last week, his arrest, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension. I’ve listed below three excellent devotional plans from the YouVersion Bible App to encourage you. There are plenty of others available as well. My book, Reflections on the Resurrection, is another great resource that I know will help you. 

May we be conscious this week of the fact that Jesus has been raised from the dead, never to die again, and that we have his resurrection power available to us every day!

YouVersion Devotionals

Seven Mill Miracle

On Calvary’s Hill

Strange Kingdom

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