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Last week, I mentioned a story out of Michigan where a guy pulled a bow & arrow on another guy in a Road Rage incident. He was arrested but, as a consolation prize, he broke the Top Three in my stories of the week. This week, Third Place goes to another bow & arrow story: Man Killed With Arrow In Stonycreek Township. This one took place in Pennsylvania. The guy who ended up dead went to the suspect’s house with an unspecified weapon to discuss a woman. That, in itself, should let you know nothing good is going to come from this. The conversation evidently didn’t go well and the suspect went in the house and got his hunting bow and put an arrow into the first gentleman, ending all discussion. No charges have been filed yet.

Second Place this week goes to this story from Los Angeles: Occupy L.A. Speaker: Violence will be Necessary to Achieve Our Goals. This guy calls Ghandi, “a tumor,” because of his non-violent stance. He goes on to say that the ruling class, “won’t go without violent means…Long live Revolution! Long live socialism!” The Mayor of Atlanta told the protestors in his city that they had to get out of the park. When they didn’t, he did nothing. Mayor Bloomberg in New York City told the protestors that they had to leave the park that they were occupying, but he too, tucked his tail under him and caved in as well. In Los Angeles, mob leaders are encouraging violence and the City Officials are doing nothing. Maybe this “movement” will fizzle out. Maybe it won’t. It is also possible that the weakness of the city officials may embolden them to become more destructive. Congratulations to the Governor of Colorado and the local leaders of Denver for taking action there and giving that city back to the citizens.

And this weeks winning headline is…FAA Investigates Skydiving Sex Stunt. It started in the plane and continued into space over California. The FAA is concerned because the pilot “might have been distracted.” You think? That story takes the idea of
The Mile High Club to a whole new level!

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