The Compound Power of Consistency

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“Consistency is the single most important factor that determines whether or not we are successful.” John Maxwell

You may not be the smartest person in the company but consistency intensifies what you do know.

You may not be the most creative person on the team. Showing up early every day, though, with new ideas maximizes your creativity.

You might not have as much experience as your peers. Consistently putting in the time, however, will multiply your experience more quickly.

You might feel that you don’t know the Bible very well. Spending fifteen minutes a day, every day, prayerfully reading and studying will transform your life.

Most people understand the power of compound interest in the area of our money. Compound interest also works for the person who is consistent in the every area of their life. Keep turning up. Keep putting in your time. Keep at it and you will see the rewards of your consistency!

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Who Are You Becoming?

“If you pursue the journey to dream wildly, live differently, love recklessly, and lead courageously all for the glory of God you will discover a life that is well-lived. Don’t just do something—become someone! Wake up every day and choose to be who God has called you to be.” Tim Mannin What a challenging statement!

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