The Holy Spirit- A Personal Trainer? Part 3

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A good trainer stays close to their clients, spotting for them so they don’t get hurt. As you begin to lift heavier weights, there always comes a time when you are not quite as strong as you thought you were. Those are the days that it is good to have a spotter with you. The spotter doesn’t lift the weight for you, they just give you a little help when you get stuck.

A good trainer/coach also encourages you. They tell you that you can lift the weight, you can finish the set. Sometimes a little encouragement is all it takes to keep going and not give up. A spotter provides positive words and a little help to get us unstuck.

In the same way, the Holy Spirit has promised not to allow us to be tempted or tested beyond what we can bear. He provides that little lift when we get stuck and feel that we can’t move the weight that is crushing us spiritually. He also provides the encouragement that we so desire. If we will listen, we can hear Him cheering us on, letting us know that we can overcome and conquer every test that we come up against. God did not create us to fail, He created us to be overcomers.

How is your realtionship with the Holy Spirit?

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