Time for an Upgrade!

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Hopefully, by this point, you have noticed a few changes to my blog. First of all, I have dropped the title of “Random Thoughts” and am just going with DavidSpell.com. I am trying to be a little more intentional in what I am writing and posting. The idea of being random just does not fit with that. Plus, “DavidSpell.com” is much easier to find on a Google search.

The appearance has also changed. My friend, Marcel Bonfim, is responsible for that. He is the CEO of Historymakers. They design and host websites for churches all over the world. My previous site wasn’t bad, but even pretty girls need a makeover sometimes! Marcel has set me up with a much nicer, more professional looking site. In return, he wants to have some of my posts translated into Portuguese and make them available on his company’s blog. I think this is a win/win for everyone.

We are not quite finished with the site yet, but we did make a discovery during the process. My subscriber list got deleted! If you had previously subscribed to my blog, your info is now gone, floating in the nether regions of cyberspace. If you enjoy my site, would you re-subscribe? Just enter your email address in the space at the right. Thanks to those who have already signed up.

Let me know what you think of the new look. I always welcome your feedback!

If you would like to help us financially while we are here in Brazil, here is the link. Obrigado! (Thank you!)

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