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The beauty of January 1st is that we all get to start fresh. There is nothing better than turning the page on the calendar and starting a new chapter. No matter how good or bad 2019 was, a new year means fresh opportunities and possibilities.

What are your emotions as you look back on 2019? It is fun to look back through my pictures for the last year and relive some of those memories. Of course, every memory from the last year wasn’t great, but most of our pictures are of good times. Take a look back at your year!

As we move into 2020, can I suggest two things?

1. Give Thanks. If you are a Christian, start by thanking God for His love and sustaining grace. He was with you every step of the previous year, even if it did not always feel like it. Rather than complaining, let’s start the year off by saying, “Thank you!.” An attitude of gratitude will really set us up for success in 2020.

For all of us, Christian or not, being thankful to other people is also so important. Who helped you last year? Who was the person who encouraged you when you were discouraged and wanted to give up? Who believed in you? Why don’t you give them a call or shoot them a text, or even maybe speak to them face-to-face? Let them know how much you appreciate them. Make sure you mention something specific.

2. Move Forward. Now it is time to put the past behind us and move forward into the next phase of our lives. I think the danger for most of us is that we just let life happen to us rather than intentionally taking the steps to get us where we want to be. We all have an idea, a picture of what we want our life to look like. That picture will never become reality, however, if I am just allowing myself to drift through life.

What steps can you take to make that picture you have in your mind a reality? Here is a post with some helpful tips on setting attainable goals. In twelve months, what do you want your life to look like? What to you want to accomplish in 2020? Today is the day to turn the page and start writing that new chapter!

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