What Are You Listening To?

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I have a confession to make. I am an addict. I have gotten addicted to listening to podcasts. It started innocently enough. I would go to the library and check out books on CD to listen to as I drove around at work. Then it progressed to downloading college and seminary lectures and burning them to a CD.

Now, I am only listening to the good stuff. Straight podcasts being mainlined into my IPhone’s IPod. Let me give you a few of my favorites. These are all available FREE through ITunes.

  1. Dr. Phil Pringle– He is the founding pastor of The C3 Church in Sydney, Austrailia. Dr. Phil is an amazing communicator and regularly shares the stage with Joyce Meyer, Dr. Cho, T. D. Jakes, and many others
  2. Pastor Dean Sweetman– Pastor Dean is the Senior Pastor of The C3 Church in Lawrenceville, Georgia. I am a little biased because he is my pastor, but I think you will be blown away by his fresh, insightful, and practical messages.
  3. SpyCast– This podcast is sponsored by The International Spy Museum in Washington, D.C. If you enjoy spy novels or movies that have an espionage theme, you have to check out SpyCast! Every month, a former spy is interviewed. Much of what is discussed is from World War II, the Cold War, and even more current events. It is absolutely fascinating!
  4. The Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast– Andy is the pastor of Northpoint Church near Atlanta and is an amazing communicator. Every leader, Christian or not, would benefit from this podcast. Andy has built an incredible church with multiple campuses. When you hear him talk about leadership, you will understand why he is so successful.
  5. Northpoint Ministries– If you want to hear even more of Andy Stanley, this is the podcast that carries his Sunday messages.
  6. Perry Noble: Leadership, Vision & Creativity– Perry is the pastor of New Spring Church in Anderson, South Carolina. His leadership podcast is insightful but he is also a very funny guy. He is not afraid to discuss his failures and mistakes made while planting New Spring Church. He also has some very practical advice for young leaders.
  7. If you have a little more of an academic bent, check out Asbury Theological Seminary under ITunes U. Dr. Robert Mullholland’s semester on The Revelation is one of the best presentations that I have ever heard on the subject.

Do you have any favorite podcasts that I don’t have listed? I would love to hear them!

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