What Does Your Future Look Like?

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“Faith is visualizing the future.” Rick Warren

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1)

What does your future look like? Where do you see yourself in a year? In five years? Ten years? Most people would answer, “I can’t know what my future looks like because it is still in the future.”

Faith, however, looks down the road of our lives. Faith is the creative power that allows us to create our future. How much time do you spend thinking and visualizing about where you want to be six months, twelve months, or more down the road?

I love the beginning of the year because I begin to prayerfully set goals for the next twelve and twenty-four months. I try and set goals for each area of my life. I write them down and pray over them.

It is also good to look back over last year’s goals. It is a great feeling to look back at what you were able to accomplish over the course of a year. There were a couple of things on my list that did not happen in 2023. No problem. I’ll put them on the my goal sheet for 2024. What about you?

Writing down our goals, however, is not enough. List at least one action step to help you accomplish them. After you have created your list, I would recommend reviewing it and praying over it a few times a week. Put your list somewhere you will be able to see it. Looking at it regularly is a powerful step towards seeing those things come to pass.

This is such a simple exercise but a profound way to create our future!

Annie and I are serving the Lord in the United States, Africa, India, and in South America. Would you consider joining our team? Just click here to get involved. Thanks so much!

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