What Voices are You Listening To?

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“Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.” (Proverbs 13:20)
“Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.” (1 Corinthians 15:33)
“Very Often, we do not realize how important it is to surround ourselves with people who support and recognize the potential that God has placed within us. A resilient life is built using the right blueprints, unlearning the old to learn the new, pouring the good into us, and surrounding ourselves with the right people.
We need to realize that not every voice should be heard, not every book should be read, and not every podcast should be downloaded. We have to be intentional in opening the doors of our hearts, and always surround ourselves with the right voices.
Strong friendships are those that will inspire your dreams and speak life into your future; people who will always push you to be better, and who will believe great things along with you. They are the people who will pick you up when you feel tired, and remind you of your purpose.
If you surround yourself with people who seek to crush your dreams, speak negatively about you, and the situation around you, your life will not only be limited, it will not be resilient.” Chris Mendez
We all know that the company we keep determines the course of our lives. And yet, how many of us still hang around with people who suck us dry emotionally and spiritually? How many of us have friends who are having a negative influence in our lives? Maybe we feel like we owe them something. Maybe we’ve been friends for so long we don’t know how to break it off.
I’m always amazed when someone wants to talk about how they can’t seem to make any significant progress in their personal worlds. They struggle to shift from their old way of thinking to letting God’s thoughts become dominant. When I start asking about their personal relationships, they often become defensive.
“But those are my friends.”
“We went to high school together.”
“They were there for me when I needed them.”
“I’m their only friend.”
I’m not in any way saying that we should delete our non-Christian friends, or even Christian friends who don’t add value to our lives. I am saying that we should constantly be evaluating who is influencing us. Are my friends going in the same direction that I am? Are they encouraging me in my faith? Are they influencing me or am I influencing them?
Read the verses above and the excerpt from Chris Mendez again. Are there any relationships in your life that you need to rethink?
David and Annie are serving the Lord in the US, Africa, South America, and India. Would you consider joining their team? Just click here to get involved. Thanks so much!

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