“Honor those who are your leaders in the Lord’s work. They work hard among you and give you spiritual guidance.”
Have you thanked God for your leaders lately? Part of the Divine Plan for God’s people is that we have people in our lives who are looking out for us and helping us to grow. I have talked to many Christians over the years who stumble over this.
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What are You Teaching Your Kids About Money?
What did your parents teach you about money? Managing their finances is one of the most important life skills that we can impart to our children. There are four main areas of money that children need to learn. Special thanks to Dave Ramsey for these important tips. 1. Work. Money does not grow on trees. It
Making the Message Easy to Understand
“The seed that fell on the hard path represents those who hear the Good News about the Kingdom and don’t understand it. Then the evil one comes and snatches the seed away from their hearts.” Why is it that some people don’t understand our message about the Kingdom? In some cases, it is becase their hearts