A Chat with a Friend

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The other night my friend, Brian Cain, interviewed me for his website. Brian is a Sergeant at the Holly Springs Police Department in Cherokee County, Georgia. He is also the police department’s Chaplain. Brian served for four years in the United States Marine Corps before getting into Law Enforcement. In short, Brian is my kind of guy!

Brian is a great interviewer and we talked about police work, balancing law enforcement and ministry responsibilities, and my books. He was interested in why I wrote the different books that I have published. (I am up to five now in case you were wondering!) I tried to fill in some of the background story behind each of my books. Brian also asked how Annie and I ended up in Brazil and what we were doing down there.

The interview is about 30 minutes long. I hope you enjoy it. Also, make sure you check out Brian’s website. He is always talking about some cool stuff!

Interview with David Spell

Would you like to be part of our team as we prepare to move back to Brazil? Here is the link. Obrigado! (Thank you!)

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