Book Review- Hustle: The Life-Changing Effects of Constant Motion

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Entrepreneur and author, Jesse Warren Tevelow wanted to conduct an experiment. Hustle: The Life-Changing Effects of Constant Motion is the result of that experiment. The experiment was this. Could he write, edit, and publish a marketable book in seven days?

“This book is an experiment. I wanted to see if I could write and launch a full book in seven days. In an effort to make that happen- and give you a glimpse of the process, I decided to keep journal entries as I was writing.” (Page 34)

As an author myself, I know this was not an easy task. Writing is a rewarding but time-intensive process. Tevelow showed, however, that it could be done if you knew how to hustle. This a motivational book as much as it is a how-to book. 

One of the primary areas that the author focuses on is that of creating momentum. Motivation will create movement and movement creates momentum. As we understand this principle, we understand that we can be successful, too. 

I spoke to someone recently who had been following my career as an author. They told me, “I’ve got this great idea for a book that I’m going to write some day.”

My question to them was, “When is ‘some day?’ Why can’t ‘some day’ be ‘today?’ You’ll never write your book waiting for some day to come. Why don’t you just start writing it and see what a little momentum might help you accomplish?”

Hustle is filled with great stories of men and women who accomplished big things. When you read the stories that Tevelow uses, though, you’ll see that the reason that these people accomplished big things was because they were willing to start, keep working, and not give up. 

This is also a practical book. As we said, it was an experiment. Part of the experiment is Tevelow taking us behind the curtain to see how he did it. He intersperses his diary for the project on how he was able to write the manuscript over three days, and then edit, format, and release it over the next four.

After reading Hustle, you probably will not leave thinking that you could write a book in a week. You might, however, go away with an idea for how you could start that business that you’ve always wanted to start. Sometimes our ideas are so big that we have no idea where to start. One of the gifts that Tevelow gives us is the courage to start now. Take a step. It might be a small step but take it. And then take another. And another. Eventually, you will turn around and see how far you have come.

“Hustling requires more than just a shift in mindset. That mindset needs to actually inform your actions. The leap from mindset to taking action is a big one. But the actions themselves don’t have to be big. You can start by making small adjustments, and slowly build up your skills. Eventually, you’ll notice yourself making decisions differently, prioritizing tasks differently, and spending your time differently.” (Pages 52-53)

David and Annie are serving the Lord in the United States and in South America. You can help them continue to have a big impact in so many lives. Just click here to get involved. Thanks so much!

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