Podcast- Why are Small Groups so Important?
Podcast- Why are Small Groups so Important? Read More »
Life Without Lack- Living in the Fullness of Psalm 23 is one of those unique books that allows an author, Dallas Willard in this case, to speak to us from beyond the grave. Larry Burtoft put the manuscript together based on a series of talks that Willard did on Psalm 23 in his local church.
Book Review- Life Without Lack by Dallas Willard Read More »
*This is an excerpt from my book Street Cop. It is full of exciting, true stories from my law enforcement career! My First Homicide Every officer remembers their first Homicide investigation. Mine started with a call to a home in the predominantly African-American section of the little town of Buford. The call came out as
Book Excerpt- Street Cop Read More »