How Big is Your Vision?

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“It is impossible to have a vision that is bigger than God’s plans for your life.” Brian Houston

I heard someone say recently that the worst thing in life is not aiming too high and missing it. Rather, the worst thing in life is too aim too low and hit it. What are you aiming for in 2018?

I have written a lot lately about setting goals and the importance of writing them down. One of the dangers of goal setting, however, is when we set them too low. Sure, it feels good to tick one off of our list. There is always a sense of accomplishment when we set out to do something and actually do it.

At the same time, let’s no settle for small, easy to accomplish dreams. When your are writing out your vision for the new year, I want to encourage to go after one or two really big things. What is something that is well beyond your reach but you believe that, with God’s help, you could see come to pass?

I make it a practice every year of putting one or two really big things on my list. There is one thing that I listed for five years straight before I saw it come to pass. Big goals stretch us, make us uncomfortable, and ultimately, help us to grow!

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