Keys to Hearing from God

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Photo by Abr4

“For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.”

What does this mean to be “led by the Spirit of God?” What does it mean to hear God’s voice? Does God even speak to His people today? I believe that there are a few important things that we can do to develop our spiritual ears.

1. Make Time to Listen. We live in a very loud culture. There is always something playing in the background or we have our earbuds in and are listening to something on our Ipod. We will never learn to hear from God until we learn to embrace silence. God’s voice can be missed in the noisy clutter of our lives. Those who learn how to quiet their hearts and make time to listen are the ones who begin to hear a Voice from another realm.

2. The Bible and Prayer. These two should never be separated. Jesus told His followers, “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.” (John 15:7) God speaks to people through His Book. How often have people found comfort, guidance, correction, and encouragement in the pages of Scripture?

What Jesus was speaking about here in John, however, is something else entirely. Jesus was saying that as we immerse ourselves in His words and as they become a part of our lives, we will be able to pray intelligently, knowing what God’s will is. The words of Scripture have the power to renew our minds and change the way that we think. Another amazing thing about Scripture is that it contains prayers that we can make a part of our prayer time. The book of Psalms contains many prayers from King David and others. In the New Testament, Jesus gave His disciples a model prayer to use. The Apostle Paul wrote out several prayers in letters that he wrote to some of his churches. These prayers are excellent tools to help kickstart our prayer life and put us in a position where we can hear God speak.

How does God speak to you?

To be continued…

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